TO EAT: Scallops a la Plancha
Piquillos Rellenos
Patatas bravas
Melon Con Hamon w/ sherry reduction
Habas a La Catalana w/ fava and lima bean
Flatbread- shrimp, garbanzo, chorizo
Calamai linguine, clam, scallop, sweet onion cream
Spinich, manchego, artichoke Empanada
Flatbread- shortrib, horseradish, parmesan, bacon
Braised rabit pasta, truffled chestnut, brandied cherry
Chorizo blanco
Boquerones- white anchovy pine nuts and olive oil
Flatbread- double take
Aged manchego, truflled lavendar honey
Spanish Slang O' the week:
"Que ovo?" Another version of "que pasa?" or "Que pedo?"
Ejamplo "Que ovo, conpa?"
Example "What's up, buddie?"